Serving Our Neighbors, Families, and Friends

For over a century, Mt. Carmel Public Utility Co. has served Wabash County with safe and reliable energy.


Introducing SmartHub®

Mt. Carmel Public Utility Co. offers an easy and secure way to view your account and pay your utility bill—anytime, anywhere. SmartHub lets you manage all aspects of your utility account online or with your mobile device. Creating a SmartHub account takes less than three minutes. Enter your profile information, choose your provider and you’re ready to begin.

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Introducing CRC

Mt. Carmel Public Utility Co. (MCPU) took another step in technology advancement by entering into an agreement with Cooperative Response Centers, Inc. (CRC) for off hours dispatching. CRC dispatches for over 300 utilities in the surrounding area. Utilizing their regional Call Centers increases the volume of calls that MCPU is able to process during an event, such as a weather related outage. This translates into faster response times and increased reliability, as the Company is able to more quickly assess the event and restore power when an outage or event occurs.

Although the voice you hear may not be the familiar local voices that you are used to hearing on the other end of the line, each and every person is committed to getting the proper crews dispatched to your location. Dispatchers will still rely on your assistance to identify the location and they are dedicated to providing our servicemen with the most accurate information they can. Later in the year, we will implement the next phase in this upgrade, our mapping and outage systems. This will provide more information to CRC, in addition to your instructions, to ensure that the servicemen have the necessary location information needed to respond to your call.

The safe and reliable delivery of Electricity and Natural Gas is our number one priority, and we believe that this new partnership will help us maintain that standard.


MCPU Alerts & Notifications

Help with utility bills may be found in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Along with the aid, LIHEAP qualification gives you extra rights. Contact LIHEAP at Wabash Area Development Inc. (618) 262-4151 for Wabash County residence or Embarras River Basin Agency Inc. (618) 943-2938 for Lawrence County residence. We may know of other aid available. To find out, contact us at (618) 262-5151.